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Nada India Foundation, Punjab Conducts Tobacco Awareness Camp for Village Youths


27th Dec 2023, Ferozepur:  Nada India Foundation's Ravi Gupta and NYIN Punjabā€™s coordinator, Bagich Singh, conducted successful meetings with Ferozepur District's local stockholders.  

In the process of meetings, we had the following interactions done are as follows: Sardar Fauja Singh ā€“ MLA of Guruharsai Constituency of Ferozepur,Tobacco Control Departmentā€™s Nodal Officer of Ferozepur Sardar Harkirat Singh and Mr Sukhchain Singh ā€“ Media Person (Print, Electronic & Social) Sensitization meeting at Village Punja of Guruharsai Assembly of Ferozepur with 15 youth

The above-mentioned meetings were quite successful as we were able to establish the first interaction with the Local MLA as well as the Nodal Officer. We elaborated to them about Nada India Foundation activities and how we are working with the youth of Punjab to sensitize them towards the anti-tobacco mission. In fact, during both the meetings, we got input that they are ready to provide all possible help to Nada India Foundation Punjab, they were concerned about drugs issue as in Punjab it's a major problem and youth needs to be taken out from this at any cost.

Though we explained that Anti-Tobacco is our major area of operation and any Drugs or such substances initially starting from Tobacco consumption in another way we are not only working on Anti-Tobacco but yes also on all anti-human drugs.  We also mentioned that along with Anti-Tobacco we are also trying to initiate career and livelihood activities for the youth of Punjab, and we have a plan to expand it. As we all know unemployment is also one of the major contributors to spoil the life of youth.

After knowing our work and activities both the stockholders showed interest that now next time anything, we do conduct in this domain must invite them and they will come and join our activities. Also, the Local MLA said that next time we come to him for letter signing he will do it.

With such positive notes, both the above-mentioned meetings were concluded successfully and now next time onwards our local coordinator along with volunteers may keep continue their follow-ups with them. In fact, on the upcoming National Youth Day, when NIF is supposed to do some event at the local level, we have invited them, and they are ready to join the same.

After these meetings, we proceeded to meet local media person Mr Sukhchain Singh, who is an all-rounder person in media and works for all domains of media as a freelancer including print, social and electronic media as well. He was also sensitized regarding NIF activities and work ongoing towards the anti-tobacco mission. He showed a positive outlook and assured us that whenever anything is done by NIF tram at the local level, he would do his best efforts to cover our initiates at the local network as part of media promotion.

At the end of the day, I went to Village Punje de Uttar of Guruharsai Assembly constituency of Ferozepur, and it was approx. 45 KM away from Ferozepur city and the village was almost adjoining with India -Pakistan international border. As we all know such villages are border areas, are highly sensitive and are not too easy work but with the help and efforts from Local Coordinator Bagich, we were able to conduct youth sensitization meetings with local youth.


In the meeting, I gave them NIF work conceptual training that how NIF is doing work with youth, especially our Anti-Tobacco acts and how they can associate themselves with NIF too. I also discussed career and employment-related things as it is highly problematic for them.  I was able to connect with them and they also showed interest in working as volunteers for NIF in future if the opportunity is given. In the last, we agreed to form a WhatsApp Group and we shall continue our regular communication with these youth in future too. Images of these meetings are also shared in the Nada Advocacy group.


Nada India Foundation -Punjab 



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