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Nada India joins Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies to bridge the gap between academia and Healthcare industry

Exclusive MRIIRS MSW Admission Tuition fees waivers are  available for members of Nada India Young India Network and Nada interns who wish to seek admissions in the current semester starting from January 2021. 

To Avail fees waivers and share your interest before 20th December 2020.

According to the WHO latest Call-To-Action to address the health worker shortfall, 80% of investments has been invested in education and healthcare to ensure Universal Healthcare Coverage by 2030. However, it estimates that there will be an 18 million shortage of health workers globally. Their call to action emphasises on the crucial role that CSOs (especially health worker organisations) and youth will have to contribute in the health labour market. 

National Youth Conclave 2020

At the NYC2020 Dr. Anandajit Goswami, HOD of Social Work Department, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies addressed this challenge and ways to bridge the gap by empowering social work students to become better healthcare providers and thereby increasing their employability as well. As an outcome from the National Youth Conclave 2020, we at Nada India Foundation are collaborating with Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies  to thus initiate youth and professional social workerā€™s empowerment to build an inclusive society in which the youth to take charge of their own health and actively participate in the healthcare system. 
The key outcomes from Nada India and Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies collaboration will be:
  • To bridge the gap between academia and healthcare industry and also expose the abundant opportunity present in the development sector, social work and public health sector for youth and professional social workers.
  • To help youth understand the nuances of social work through practical field-based knowledge on community, family practices, gender, human rights and justice. It will also focus on building inter personal skills, enhance employability and foster a sense of social entrepreneurship.
  • To leverage the capabilities of the Nada Young India Network for Good Health and promote social change, development, cohesion and the empowerment of people and communities.
  • To assist in the process of social integration and personal realization of underprivileged youth, young adults and elderly population.

Admissions are NOW OPEN for the MSW Programme of MRIIRS and we are calling applicants to register for this course NOW!  

There are exclusive Tuition fees waivers available for members of Nada India Young India Network and Nada interns who wish to seek admissions in the current semester starting from January 2021. 

To Avail fees waivers and share your interest before 20th December 2020 and write to us whatsapp number 9810594544 


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