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Showing posts from June, 2012

^^Think Different^^

                                            International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking^^                                                              ||Slogan Writing Competition|| Theme: "Drug abuse and Alcohol Addiction" Post your entries on our Facebook page or mail them at (Write subject as "Slogan Writing") Last Date: 30th June, 2012          ...

Sad but true!

Apurva Agnihotri, Rocky S test positive after Mumbai rave party^^ India-news/Mumbai/ Apurva-Agnihotri-Rocky-S-test-p ositive-after-Mumbai-rave-part y/Article1-877770.aspx

Healthy Communities. No Place for Drugs.

Pehchaan Campaign on Drug and Alcohol prevention was kicked off from Mandi village South Delhi^^   By: Bhishm Wahi (Pehchaan Campaign Convener) ‘ The world is next to nothing if people don’t stand up for themselves and live in peace and harmony’. Soon, the world will celebrate ‘International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking’ and to mark it as an eternal day, many organizations and social-activist communities are joining hands to raise  their voice against drug use. One of the prominent organizations founded by Mr. Suneel Vatsyayan, NADA INDIA FOUNDATION in collaboration with Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, is leaving no stone unturned to make it an historic day with an initiative to aware people by organizing workshops for drug awareness, also using the medium of art and theatre to convey a beautiful social message among the village communities. Today, in the scorching heat where one fears to step outside of his/her comfort zone, ...
What Teenagers should know about Drugs? (Part III)   "Different drugs have different effects on the body" While effects vary from one person to the next, in general, "marijuana" gives users an initial “high”, or a dizzy, light-headed feeling, followed by a more relaxed sensation. "Amphetamines" provide an energy boost so that users can stay awake longer and work or dance more. "Cocaine" can give users a very happy, euphoric feeling when first taken, and it can make users forget they are hungry or tired. While these effects might sound nice, they do not last long. Many people get depressed and lonely afterwards and start feeling sick. Also, it is common for people who use drugs to seem confused, have red eyes, sweat a lot and not to care about their physical appearance. And, of course, there is the risk of becoming addicted. Share this with Teens around you. To be continued... Leave your comments.
^Workshop on Radio and Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign^ Please make yourself and your friends available on 25th and 26th June 2012 for a workshop on Radio and Drug Abuse prevention Campaign. Time: 9:00am-12:00 noon. Venue: D.A.V. Public School Vasant Kunj Certificate of participation will be provided to each participant. Please confirm your participation at the earliest by sending a mail to the undersigned. (No on the spot registration) Vindhya Vatsyayan #9958179724
                      After effects of syringes of " Heroin " Shared by Neelam Verma (Nada Intern) on our Facebook group. A heroine is a female hero. "Heroin" is an illegal drug. Irony is that both gives pleasure (of course not for long) to you..but its always better to fantasize a heroine rather den falling for Heroin. - Vindhya 
What teenagers should know about Drugs? (Part II) "Marijuana" (pot, grass, weed, ganja) is usually smoked in a cigarette and sold in brown chunks. "Amphetamines" (including meth) and ecstasy are usually sold as pills, but can also come in a powder that can be mixed into a drink. Users simply swallow the pill or the drink. "Cocaine" , a white or brownish powder, is usually snorted through the nose, while "heroin" is generally injected with a syringe. Share this with teens around you. Leave your comments.
Be the wish to see in the world. Support Pehchaan Radio Club by putting up this picture badge on your Facebook/Twitter profile picture. pehchaan-radio-club/2617660/ ?fb_action_ids=464188093593564& fb_action_types=picbadges%3Aad d&fb_source=other_multiline
What teenagers should know about Drugs? (Part I) Technically, drugs are chemical substances that alter or affect the function of the body. Therefore, medicines are drugs, as are cigarettes, coffee and alcohol.However, here we are talking about illegal drugs or drugs with no good purpose (alcohol & cigarettes). People may be pressured into taking drugs to “fit in” with a particular crowd or they may take drugs to rebel or to get attention. Drug users come from all kinds of backgrounds.They are male and female, young and old, rich and poor, working and unemployed, from the city and the countryside—it does not matter. Drug use can affect anyone. To be continued... Share this with young kids around you. Leave your comments.
India has at least 4 million drug addicts, and the number is increasing creepingly fast. It's time we wake from our slumber, and do something about it. What better way, than to understand the issue at hand. Here's an informative article from the Times of India.    http:// life-style/health-fitness/ health/ Understanding-the-why-of-drug-a ddiction/articleshow/ 14120291.cms Shared by Gaurav Bhatt, an aspiring Journalist on our Facebook group of Pehchaan D.A.V Radio Club!  
26th the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1987, this day serves as a reminder of the goals agreed to by Member States of creating an international society free of drug abuse.
^^International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking~~ 26th June "Unless we reduce demand for illicit drugs, we can never fully tackle cultivation, production or trafficking. Governments have a responsibility to counteract both drug trafficking and drug abuse, but communities can also make a major contribution. Families, schools, civil society and religious organizations can do their part to rid their communities of drugs. Businesses can help provide legitimate livelihoods. The media can raise awareness about the dangers of narcotics." - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (United Nations) Message for the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 26 June 2011

Alcohol abuse triggers social stress and poor grades among ...

Alcohol Alert Indian Express Teenage drinkers are more likely to feel like social outcasts when surrounded by fellow students who tend to avoid alcohol, which eventually affects their academic performances, a new sociological study has revealed. The study showed alcohol consumption leads to increased social stress and poor grades, especially among students in schools with tightly connected friendship cliques and low levels of alcohol abuse. For their study, Robert Crosnoe, a professor of sociology at the University of Texas at Austin, Aprile Benner, an assistant professor of human ecology at the University of Texas at Austin, and Barbara Schneider, a professor of sociology and education at Michigan State University, analyzed National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) data on 8,271 adolescents from 126 schools. Add Health, which began in 1994, is the largest and most comprehensive survey of health-related behavior among adolescents between grad...
^^ Citizen Journalist^^ actually lets say ^^Student journalist^^   And the first prize in the category of "News with a style" goes to  Tanya Mittal  of D.A.V. Vasant Kunj.  I congratulate Tanya on behalf of our team of Pehchaan D.A.V. radio club. :D Lets hear what she has to say: "Fear of examination"- Tanya Mittal God some magic and make this year's examination a lot more simpler...Don't you feel the same...EXAM! EXAM! EXAM! Here is the link to her audio news report... [URL= DHWiwTy_/ tanyaaudiofear_of_exm.html ]tanyaaudiofear of exm.wav[/URL] Please do leave your comments!! :)
‎ ^^ Citizen Journalist^^ actually lets say ^^Student  journalist^^ And the first prize in the category of "In-depth news coverage" goes to  Rakshitha Arni  of D.A.V. Vasant Kunj.  I congratulate Rakshitha on behalf of our team of Pehchaan D.A.V. radio club. :D Lets hear what she has to say: "Melbourne Food and Wine festival in Australia"- A.R. Rakshitha Joost Bakker, a dutch florist, created an ecological restaurant , GREENHOUSE (metaphorically).....the restaurant conserves and saves electricity and is an effort towards a "brighter" future :)......The event began with the “World's Longest Lunch” set on a sun dappled long table, along the river.....This was a yet another niche achieved by Australia for its tantalizing cuisines!!! Here is the link to her audio news report.... [URL= DQei1NiN/ rakshitaglobal_warming_chef.htm l ]rakshitaglobal warming chef.wma[/URL] Please do leave your comments...!! :)
‎         ^^Bring it on^^                       ^^Citizen   Journalist^^ Here's your chance to show everyone your hidden talent... You have a mobile phone with a recorder....I am sure you have one... Record a small(2-3mins) audio news item (in any form:Interview,reporting... simply be creative)...and as I have always said anything and everything is important... Mail it to me at or before 10th June, 2012 midnight. Best one will be facilitated with a certificate and his/her name will be displayed in bold on our blog and here on our group. List of all the participants along with a brief description of their news item will be displayed here & on our blog!                      ^^Bring it on^^                                ...