Today, 25 Children of Pehchaan Radio club members Jawahar Balbhawan Mandi visited All India Radio and did recording for Children program on AIR . The occasion was spreading the message on International Day against Drug abuse Think of Health Not the DRUGS... More pictures will follow Station Director Laxmi Shankar Vajpayee shred and talked to children at the end and give tips on radio as a change agent and its spread. He also motivated the children to get involved in radio more seriously. Children were joined by staff of Nada India and Blbhawan Mandi . Pictures will be posted later....
Bollywood Actor Challenges Liquor Legislation NTDTV In an effort to discourage youngsters from consuming alcohol, the provincial government of India 's western Maharashtra state this June increased the legal age limit from 21 to 25. Khan calls this act of state government an infringement of individual ... < t v_en/news_asia/2011-09-15/bol l ywood-actor-challenges-liquor - legislation.html >
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