Stay home, Stay safe’ must add ‘ Stay connected.... Sanjai Bhatt , Professor, Department of Social Work, University of Delhi, and President, NAPSWI ), Delhi110007 Amid Corona virus pandemic, we have added many new terms in our vocabulary such as COVID-19, novel corona, index patient, self-quarantine, social distancing. Some of these terms, have become buzz words in our daily life, television channels, print media and government directives. The Ministry for Health and Family Welfare, Government of India has issued a comprehensive advisory on coronavirus (Covid-19) on 16th March 2020, directing states across the country to take social distancing measures as a preventive strategy. The term has gained popularity when Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi has put emphasis on Social Distancing in his address to the nation and explaining the need of more preventive strategies. The search of the word social distancing on World Health Organisatio...