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Showing posts from September, 2016

85% pictorial warnings on both sides of tobacco packs critical to save from cardiovascular diseases

New Delhi – On the occasion of World Heart Day 2016, the Healthy India Alliance announces the launch of its official website – a repository of information and resources related to Noncommunicable Disease prevention and control in India. The Alliance has been set up by a group of reputed, pan-India organizations committed to NCD prevention and control and has the membership of 16 CSOs working on diverse aspects related to NCDs and their risk factors, including advocacy, multi-pronged research, policy reviews and health promotion programmes and campaigns. In India, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) account for a staggering 60% of all deaths. The country stands to lose $4.58 trillion before 2030 due to NCDs and mental health conditions. Cardiovascular diseases, among major NCDs like cancers, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases are responsible for 26% of all deaths in India and account for $2.17 trillion is economic losses. NCDs are majorly caused due to modifiable health ...

Children more likely to consume alcohol after watching advertisements on TV

New York:  Children are more likely to consume alcohol as they watch more advertisements of a particular brand, a study has revealed. The research, published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, links alcohol advertisement to underage drinking and suggested that TV ads influence the amount of alcohol children consume. Past studies have found that underage drinkers often have a preference for the brands of alcohol they see in advertisement. Timothy Naimi, Associate Professor at Boston University School of Public Health and his team found that more the exposure kids had to brand-specific alcohol advertisement on TV , their total amount of consumption of those specific brands was greater. Also the total consumption of the advertised brands was after adjusting their for consumption for all the non-advertised brands. This adjustment is important, said Naimi, because it takes into account the fact that those who watch more television may tend to drink more...