The Delhi High Court Wednesday sought the Centre's response on a plea by students of a private school seeking ban on sale of junk food and aerated drinks in and around educational institutions. A bench of Acting Chief Justice AK Sikri and Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw sought the Centre's reply on students' plea and listed the matter for further hearing on January 4. While the plea had been made by civil society Uday Foundation, the Father Angel School students today sought to be made party to the court proceeding on the plea for ban on sale of junk food and aerated drinks in and around schools. "Ban such evidently harmful foods and beverages from the canteen of the schools and from their immediate neighbourhoods," said the students' plea. The bench also asked the Centre to file a status report after its counsel said it has asked all the states to take adequate measure in this regard and various states have sent their action-taken-report on the issue. The plea als...
Young India Network is a youth (14-30 years) driven network for the prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and its risk factors, formed with a vision of having a meaningful involvement of youth and People Living With NCDs in the advocacy of health agenda in India with a primary focus on alcohol and drug use as major risk factors for both communicable and NCDs. It aims to contribute in achieving the Goal 3 of Sustainable Development Goals,ensuring healthy lives .