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Showing posts from December, 2012

Parents give out conflicting signals..says Suneel Vatsyayan

Sunday, Dec 16, 2012 The parent trap Manisha Pande / New Delhi Dec 15, 2012, 00:46 IST .....“Parents give out conflicting signals to their children because they want to be ‘friends’ with them while being figures of authority, and that is where the problem begins,” says Suneel Vatsyayan , relationship counsellor at New Delhi’s Nada India Foundation . Vatsyayan says that while it’s important to have a “friendly” atmosphere at home and leave all channels of communication open, parents cannot and should not aspire to be friends. “You can create a democratic and participatory environment at home for your children without giving in to their every whim and fancy,” he adds. The most important step is for parents to first figure out their own value system and how it has changed with times, and then verbalise it for their children..... Source: